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Move Your Body

Somatic Yoga Therapy

Go beyond the story of your mind into the innate wisdom of your body. Work with me one-on-one in a relaxed environment that welcomes ALL OF YOU! We will dive deep into the subconscious realm through movement, meditation and sensation tracking.

These therapy sessions are designed to listen and respond to what YOUR body needs and wants. If you are ready to:

🌸Release stuck emotions so you feel lighter and have more room for what you enjoy.

🌸Connect to the four bodies of being: emotional, mental, energetic, and physical to help you connect more deeply with your intuition.

🌸Learn tools to help you bring your focus inward filling your own cup so you can give more freely and more fully to all the people you love in your life.

🌸Build inner & outer strength that will provide you with the necessary momentum to move forward with your big life goals and dreams.

🌸Let go of frustration that is no longer serving you so that you can focus on what is truly important.

🌸Feel grounded and stress free so you can connect to the present moment & feel joy, and

🌸Embody inner empowerment to create strong boundaries in in your life.

Please reach out and let's talk about how my Somatic Yoga Therapy Program can help you achieve your goals.

I have combined my ongoing training in Somatic Experiencing trauma resolution methodology with my background as a yoga instructor and philosopher to provide you with a completely new technique that aims to help you release the energetic imprint holding the trauma charge in your body so that you can live an empowered life free from of the root cause of your suffering.

Somatic Experiencing method tracks the sensation in the body back to the point of origin. I will help you to embark on a journey into your own sensation while understanding that you are safe to feel. I will help you to complete the sensational trauma cycle that is being held within your body so that you can release the energy, connect to your inner strength, feel grounded and stress free.

Combined with a non-clinical environment and tailored movement to provide you with what you need to feel safe and to be present with your body in order to release the trauma and begin to move forward with your goals, dreams and aspirations.

Before the story there is the emotion, before the emotion, there is the energy. The energy is timeless. Trauma is timeless. In order to finish the trauma cycle we must release the energy trapped in your body. The energy does not have a story, it only has a sensation. Together we will work towards getting to the root cause of what is holding you back so you can finally break free.

Through these sessions I will help you to learn the language of sensation so that you can step up and step into your life fully empowered.

Somatic Yoga Therapy

Somatic Yoga Therapy Intake Form

Please fill out the intake form.

Vinyasa Yoga
calming nature picture for intentions yoga website in saskatoon saskatchewan

Join me Tuesday evening for Vinyasa Yoga.  This is the practice that likely comes to mind when you think of yoga.  

During this one hour class you will be guided into various poses by flowing your body and connecting movement with breath.  This is called a Vinyasa Flow. 

The act of linking movement with breath connects your mind and body bringing you into the present moment.  This offers a reprieve from the monkey mind and provides your body with the training it needs to maintain or increase strength and flexibility

You will notice a difference in your ability to practice within just 3 classes.  Muscle memory will kick in and the poses will start to become second nature.  Once this happens your practice begins to  deepen. 

You will begin to connect with your breath and the movement will become more fluid.  You will begin to feel a deep connection to self and inner peace will radiate from within you.

Yoga has supported human-kind for centuries by promoting connection to self and inner peace.  If you are looking for a physical practice that will bring more clarity and contentment into your life, this practice is for you!  ~ Namaste

Tuesdays at 7pm

Kundalini Yoga
picture with tree roots for intentions yoga website in saskatoon saskatchewan

We are souls - we have a body

This practice is more esoteric.

During this one-hour class I will lead you through meditations to connect with your chakra system.  

You will use mudras, mantras and a series of angulated postures called Kriyas to achieve a particular result.  Kriyas are created to move energy within the body raising your vibration and releasing blocks that may be keeping you stuck in negativity.

Kundalini is called the "Yoga of Awareness".  In this practice you connect deeply with yourself as more than a physical being by focusing on the deeper essence of who you are. From this higher perspective your consciousness begins to shift to a more loving state.

This practice can bring about drastic shifts as you awaken more fully to who you are as a divine soul and unlock that spark of pure potential within you aka your Kundalini.

Join me on this divine adventure as we journey to the centre of the self!  ~Sat Nam



New Moon Ceremony
nature picture for intentions yoga website in saskatoon saskatchewan

**Resuming September 2024


Join me monthly for a beautiful INTENTION setting ceremony.


This candle lit practice includes deep postures, easy transitions & meditation to bring you into a state of contentment and clarity.  


From here we connect with the rhythms of nature to set our INTENTIONS - planting a seed in the dark fertile soil of the New Moon.



Click HERE for more information about the magic of setting intentions with the New Moon

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